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What Is Alcoholic Nose Or Drinker’s Nose? Rhinophyma

alcoholic nose

However, it is very important to note that rosacea and rhinophyma can be agitated by things other than alcohol. Stress, sleeplessness, dehydration, depression, improper diet, dry skin, and many other factors can agitate rosacea and rhinophyma. Although this is not rosacea, it can worsen the effects and symptoms of rosacea in people who suffer from it.

  • Usually, rhinophyma involves reddening of the nose and a noticeably bulbous nose, which means that the nose becomes enlarged, more pronounced, and rounder.
  • Having a big nose, even as a result of rosacea, is not necessarily a sign of alcoholism.

What Is Alcoholic Nose or Rhinophyma—Is That More Than a Myth?

Contrary to popular belief, a “drinker’s nose” is not necessarily caused by alcohol addiction or abuse. While drinking alcohol is not the root cause of rhinophyma, it can aggravate rosacea symptoms. People with alcohol intolerance or sensitivity may experience more severe reactions, leading to the progression of rosacea into rhinophyma. Even moderate alcohol consumption can trigger flushing and redness in some individuals, worsening their condition over time. Historically, it was believed that the condition was primarily caused by excessive alcohol consumption. However, modern medical research has shown that while alcohol can exacerbate rosacea symptoms, it is not the primary cause.

  • The condition often leads to significant changes in the shape and size of the nose, causing it to appear bulbous and deformed.
  • Multiple sessions may be required for optimal results, and the procedure is generally well-tolerated with minimal downtime.
  • W.C. Fields was a popular U.S. comedian who appeared on stage and in several movies in the first half of the twentieth century.
  • This is bad news, as it is thought the mineral damages brain cells and exacerbates cognitive decline.


Although rosacea is commoner in females, the incidence of rhinophyma is higher in males. Rhinophyma typically afflicts white males between the age of 40 and 60 years, and is more common in men with English or Irish descent. Although there are no direct stem causes of alcoholism and rosacea that meet at one point, there is a connection between them. The condition may also produce problems with a person’s eyes and eyelids as well as vision problems. We believe in you and encourage and support you during addiction treatment. Extreme disfigurement of the nose can narrow the airways in the nose, making it difficult to breathe.

alcoholic nose

What Does Alcoholism Do To Your Appearance?

This provides access to 24-hour care and FDA-approved medications, making the withdrawal process safer and easier. Detox also prepares you for ongoing treatment and addresses the issue of alcohol dependence. These treatments aim to reduce the swelling, redness, and bumps, helping the nose look more normal. More severe cases should be referred to a specialist, who may consider using topical ivermectin and brimonidine, or oral isotretinoin.

  • The Mayo Clinic reports that over a long period of time, rosacea can thicken the skin of the nose.
  • A spreading redness could move across the cheeks, nose, and other areas with blood vessels close to the skin.
  • Pamela was successfully treated first with Ultherapy and a debulking procedure, along with a CO2 resurfacing with laser surgery.
  • We believe in you and encourage and support you during addiction treatment.
  • A combination of medical treatments and lifestyle changes often yields the best results.
  • However, alcohol may still play a very small role in increasing the risk of developing this condition.

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alcoholic nose

With time, alcohol abuse can worsen rosacea and contribute to the development of rhinophyma (alcoholic nose). Of course, avoiding alcohol isn’t always easy—especially for long-term drinkers. Ria Health offers a proven at-home treatment to help you limit or stop your consumption of alcohol.

alcoholic nose

Alcohol Drinkers Nose (Red / Purple Bulbous Nose Pictures)

alcoholic nose

Afterward, you may participate in inpatient programs, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other resources. You can find these alcohol use disorder treatment programs and more at Ohio Recovery Center. The medical term for this condition is actually alcoholic nose known as rhinophyma, and there is no known link between alcohol and rhinophyma. There is a range of treatments to choose from, such as long-term recovery plans, inpatient or outpatient treatment, 12-step programs, aftercare, and more.

Causes And Risk Factors

alcoholic nose

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  • Though the causes of rhinophyma are unknown, it’s thought to be a severe form of a skin disease called rosacea.
  • Further, alcohol widens facial pores, allowing blackheads and whiteheads to form, which can contribute to acne.
  • It is benign initially, but it may block airways and increase the risk of skin cancer.
  • Later, the nasal skin grows and the tip of the nose becomes larger.